Book presentation Explore Algeti National Park

Book presentation Explore Algeti National Park had been held at Algeti National Park, dedicated to Book International Day. Event had attended by Deputy Chairman of the Agency of Protected Areas Giorgi Chkheidze, head of Planning and Developing Unit Nata Sultanishvili and director of Algeti National Park Avtandil Mchedlidze. Schoolchildren who took part in book creation process were awarded with certificates. The event had been attended by the painter Zaal Sulakauri, who had been invited as a special guest due to children’s request. He created caricature paintings on place.
The book aims to raise environmental awareness in young generation, it describes information about Algeti National Park’s biodiversity and also there is described eco-friendly games fos schoolchildren.
The book had been prepared by the support of Algeti National Park Assosiation in the frame of the program Protected Areas Support Program in Caucasus – Georgia. The project has been financed by the KfW.
The project aims to increase protected areas’ effectiveness and at the same to improve social-economic situation for nearby living people. Project is going on 4 different protected areas: Algeti National Park, Kazbegi National Park, Kintrishi Protected Areas and Pshav-Khevsureti National Park.
Book Day was officially approved at UNESCO session on 23th of April 1995, and it is celebrated worldwide in 80 countries.