Illegal Cutting at Borjom-Kharagauli National Park

On 14th August 2017 year,  Borjom-Kharagauli Nation Park's administration  received information about illegal cutting of trees, nearby Nedzvi Managed Reserve. Director of Borjom-Kharagauli National Park, Head of Security Department and rangers visited place. After the poachers warned accomplices about rangers forthcoming, they dropped from the trucks illegally collected timber, and tried to hide.

Offenders did not obey National Park’s representatives’ requests, and they drove car with high speed to the direction of National Park’s representatives. The situation may had the fatal result if they was not the quick response by the side of the National Park's employees.

Poaching fact includes significal signs of crime. Above information was sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ Samtske-Javakheti’s department, specifically  Borjomi’s regional division.