Rangers’ insurance will be financed by Caucasus Nature Fund (CNF)

Grant Agreement has been signed between Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia and Caucasus Nature Fund (CNF), that has been signed by the Minister of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia Mr. Levan Davitashvili and Executive Director of Caucasus Nature Fund (CNF) Mr.George Giacomini.

The agreement aims to improve working conditions to the rangers that is vitally important, due to the specificity of their job.

According to the agreement, Caucasus Nature Fund (CNF) will finance 530 employees’ of the administrations and rangers’ of the Agency of Protected Areas’ insurance by 100 000 Gel.  Territorial administration’s employees’ daily job is very risky, rangers often fighting with poachers. They protect natural heritage in 24 hours regime.

The Minister of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia emphasized rangers’ importance.

‘I would like to say thank you to the Caucasus Nature Fund (CNF) for the support. Georgian nature’s protection and biodiversity maintenance that is implemented on protected areas is one of the priority of the Government of Georgia. It is vitally important to strengthen Agency of Protected Areas’- emphasize Mr.Davitashvili in his speech.

Caucasus Nature Fund (CNF) covers insurance expanses since2013 year.