World Congress Conservation

Deputy Minister of the Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia together with Deputy Chairwoman of the Agency of Protected Areas Tamar Kvantaliani are participating in ongoing World Congress Conservation in Honolulu, Hawaii.
World Congress Conservation holding by the support of IUCN and United States’; Public Department. In the frame of the conference, Ekaterine Grigalava took part in workshop Beyond World Heritage: In Order to Strength World Heritage Conservation, Creative Points should be Accomplice.
Agency of Protected Areas together with GFA Consulting Group presented poster, that reflected achieved results at protected areas. IUCN will implement more than 1300 organizations’ agenda and four years action plan.
Congress holds once in four year and unites decision-makers of business sector, non-governmental organizations and academic field. Georgia is member country of IUCN since 2008 year, after this period very important cooperation.