
30 November 2015

Grant agreement

Caucasus Nature Fund financed 2016 year’s insurance of the employees of the Agency of Protected Areas. Concerning this issue, grant agreement had been signed at the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia.

28 November 2015

Borjomi National Park’s 20 years anniversary

Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia, Gigla Agulashvili visited Samtskhe-Javakheti region, where Borjomi Strict Nature Reserve’s 80 year and Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park’s 20 years anniversary had been held.

17 November 2015

Lamb drinking water supply system

At Dedoplistskaro municipality, lamb drinking water supply system had been opened, that was attented by the Cahirman of the Agency of Protected Areas, Lasha Moistsrapishvili. Water supply system had been arraned at Samukhi valley.

16 November 2015

Business ideas selection competition

In the frame of the project facilitation of Kintrishi Protected Areas, Algeti National Park and Kazbegi National Park’s nearby villages, business ideas selection competition had been held.

01 November 2015

Czech Experts Visit

In the fame of the project Development of Cave Monitoring in Imereti Caves, Czech speleologists visited Georgia that aimed caves microclimate monitoring and Satsurblia cave speleological evaluation.

14 Octomber 2015

Protected Areas of Georgia – achievements and challenges

Coordinating meeting of the Agency of Protected Areas had been held, where the main topic was: Protected Areas of Georgia – achievements and challenges.

29 September 2015

Vashlovani Protected Areas has been awarded with European Diploma

European Diploma award ceremony had been held at Vashlovani National Park that was attended by the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia Gigla Agulashvili, Deputy Minister Ekaterine Grigalava, Chairman of Democratic Initiative Department of Council of Europe Eladio Fernandez Galiano, Chairman of the Agency of Protected Areas Lasha Moistsrapishvili, representatives of Georgian National Tourism Administration, donor organizations and local government. 

23 September 2015

Memorandum within Georgian National Museum

Cooperation memorandum has been signed between Agency of Protected Areas and Georgian National Museum. The ceremony has been held at Javakheti Protected Areas. 

27 August 2015

Advisory Council Meeting has been held at the Agency of Protected Areas

Chairman of the Agency of Protected Areas Lasha Moistsrapishvili held advisory council meeting

18 August 2015

Book corner had been opened at Lagodekhi Protected Areas’ Visitor Centre

Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia, Ekaterine Grigalava visited Lagodekhi Protected Areas, where she introduced tourist services and ongoing infrastructure projects.

03 August 2015

Clean up event had been held at Okatse and Martvili Canyons

In the frame of volunteer program, clean up event had been held. Vice chairman Dimitri Beridze together with Free University and Agrarian University students and the rangers cleared the area from plastic bottles, bags and other household waste.

03 August 2015

Fire at Borjomi-Kharagauli National park had been extinguished

On 1st of August, 2015, fire had been occurred at Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park’s Atskuri district. On the same day, the rangers had been mobilized and together with the Head of the district had gone to that place.

01 August 2015

Info tour at Vashlovani Protected Areas

Agency of Protected Areas organized an info tour at Vashlovani Protected Areas, where employees of Georgian National Tourism Administration and tour operators took part.

31 July 2015

Visitor center had been opened at Javakheti Protected Areas

At Javakheti Protected Areas, Javakheti National Park opening ceremony had been held.

17 July 2015

Student volunteer program has started

From now on, volunteer program at five protected areas: Lagodekhi, Borjomi, Mtirala, Tusheti and Okatse, has started, where first year students of Free University and Agrarian University are taking part.