Biodaversity of Algeti National Park


The major part of the park territory is covered with coniferous and deciduous forests. Botanists of Algeti National Park call it “Floristic knot” – 1,664 species of plants are represented here. The park is rich in large mammals and is the immigration area of several species.


6044 hectares of Algeti National Park is coverd with forests. The significant  part of the territory of Algeti reserve (23 %) is coverd with coniferous forest, which is represented by a strong edificatory species: Oriental spruce, Caucasian fir-tree and Caucasian pine-tree. Spruce and fir are relict species and their protection and care is very important to preserve the Caucasian flora. They grow at a height of 1100-1850 meters above sea level in the territory of the park.

In Algeti National Park 1664 species of plants are represented: 80 trees, more than 800 grasses, 156 species of herbs, 43 poisonous, 24 vegetables, 69 decorative and 3 Georgian and the Caucasian endemos. The park is characterized by phutocenos diversity of spruce-grove, pine-grove, beeh-grove and oak- wood. The Caucasian fir and yew (Taxus baccata) are represented by single copies. There are small space of the Caucasian rhododendron  (Rhododedron caucasicum) in Kldekari vicinity, Algeti valley is the eastern border of its spreading.

Floristic composition is especially diverse in the park, there are: representatives of Colchi, Hyrcanian, Iberian, Iranian Caucasian and Asian flora. From tertiary period there are preserved: Caucasian fir, Eastern beech, Philadelphus Caucasian Viburnum, wild cherry, other plants of Colchis and the Eastern Mediterranean mezophilic flora. From Hyrcanus flora it can be found – Hyrcanus maple and from Asian- Rhamnuspalasii, astragalus and others.

Forest eosystems in Algeti National Park have a high soil protection and water regulation value. 

514 species of mushrooms (183 Micromycete, 331 macromycete), 184 lichens, 304 water plants and 150 mosses are common.

7 species of Macromycete (Arrhenia retiruga, Dacrymyces palmatus, Echinoderma aspera, Peziza petersii, Pulcherricum caeruleum, Russula pectinatoides, Thelephora penicillata),  3 lichens (Flavopunctelia flaventior, Hypotrachyna revolute , H. sinuosa.) and  5 water plants (Cocconeis fluviatilis, Cymbella helvetica, Gomphonema intricatum, Gyrosigma spencerii, Hantzshia amphioxys) are new for Georgin nature.

“Red List” species of Georgia

There are rare and endangered species of trees and plants: Georgian nuts, highmountainoak, sea-buckthorn (Hippophaerhamnoides), Caucasian astragalus, yew, elm.

Endemic species

Only 3 species of endemic grow in the park.


In the National Park the following predator mammals can be found: grizzly bear and wolf, rarely-lynx, marten, squirrel, dormouse, rabbit, fox, wild boar. Roe is the permanent habitant of these forests. Several species of amphibians and reptiles in the territory of the National Park. From snakes Algeti inhabitants are: smooth snake (Coronellaaustriaca), Natrixnatrix, water Natrix, steppe viper and hog-nosed adder.

More than 60 species of birds are represented in Algeti Valley, including: hawk, sparrow-hawk, buzzard, hen harrier, eagle-owl, dollarbird, hoopoe, black woodpecker, swallow, blackbird, jay, tomtit, wren, goldfinch andf others. Also a very rare Imperial Eagle is observed in the valley.

In the National Park there are: 4 types, 8 classes, 22 series, 134 families, 567 genera and 1013 species of invertebrates, among them are 14 species of eartworms and 131 species of insects.

Here are 52 species of pest insects.

“Red List” species of Georgia

In Algeti National Park there are following representatives of animals and birds from the “Red List” of Georgia: Brown bear (Ursusarctors), Caucasian squirrel (Sciurusanomalis), Caucasian heathcock (Tetraomlokosiewiczi), Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliacal) and others.

Rerlict and endemic species

There are 27 endemic species of mammals in the park: Dwarf ghamori(Pipistrellus pipistrellus), common dormouse (Myoxusglis), Nehring’s blind mole-rat (Nannospalaxnehringi), snow vole (Chionomysnivalis), common vole (Microtusarvalis), Asia Minor  mouse (Sylvaemusmystacinus) and others. From invertebrates 3 Caucasian endemics are detected: 2 species of family (Tipulidae)and 1 species of family (Bibioniodae).