
04 July 2017

Mr. David Markozashvili awarded winner of “Bio Hakatone”

Chairman of the Agency of Protected Areas Mr. David Markozashvili awarded “Bio Hakatone” members with one-day free voucher at Kolkheti National Park.

27 June 2017

Eco camp at Protected Areas

In the frame of eco-educational activities, employees of the Agency of Protected Areas’ (Planning and Developing Division) presented information about protected areas to the participants of eco -camp in Lagodekhi.

22 June 2017

Meeting at the Agency of Protected Areas

Ms. Ekaterine Grigalava Deputy Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia, together with Chairman of the Agency of Protected Areas Mr. David Markozashvili and Deputy Chairman Mr. Giorgi Chkheidze held a meeting with Mr. Thomas Eisenbach, Head of Energy and Natural Resources Division, KfW Development Bank (Eastern Europe,  Caucasus  and Central Asia),  Mr. Andreas Weitzel,  Senior Project Manager for Energy and  Natural Resources Sector, KfW Development Bank (East Europe,  Caucasus and Central Asia)   and Mr. Levan Tsitskishvili  Senior Project Coordinator at KfW Office Tbilisi.

18 June 2017

Agricultural technic has been consigned to the residents of Pshav-Khevsureti National Park’s nearby territory

Chairman of the Agency of Protected Areas Mr. David Markozashvili visited Shatili, where he consigned roofs to the population of Khevsureti National Park’s nearby territory, in the frame of the project “Protected Areas Support Program Caucasus – Georgia.”

17 June 2017

25 years friendship between Georgia and Germany

Agency of Protected Areas together with KfW took part in the event of  25 years friendship between Georgia and Germany.

16 June 2017

Exhibition Space renovation and modern museum arrangement at Vashlovani National Park

Vice Chairman of the Agency of Protected Areas Mr. Toma Dekanoidze together with Chief Executive Officer Jeff Giacomini Caucasus Nature Fund and the Director of National Museum David Lortkipanidze visited Vashlovani National Park, where he visited existing exhibition hall.

15 June 2017

Meeting with representatives of tourist agencies

Chairman of the Agency of Protected Areas Mr. David Markozashvili togather with the employees of the agency held meeting with the heads of tourist agencies.

11 June 2017

Forest Inventory and Forest Management plan

Forest Inventory and Forest Management plans were prepared in the frame of the project “Improvement and Strengthen of Adjara Protected Areas” that had implemented by the financial support of UNDP and by the constructor.

09 June 2017

Meeting with Estonian Ambassador

Mr.David Markozashvili Chairman of the Agency of Protected Areas, together with Deputy Chairman Giorgi Chkheidze hosted Estonian Ambassador to Georgia Kai Kaarelson at Tbilisi National Park.

31 May 2017

Boat Tour service has been renewed at Prometheus Cave

From now on visitors have an opportunity to facilitate within boat tours service at Prometheus Cave. New boats are totally compatible with modern standards. Chairman of the Agency of Protected Areas Davit Markozashvili was the first visitor, who tested the service.

22 May 2017

Biodiversity Day

Biodiversity week has been arranged at the Agency of Protected Areas. In the frame of the week, paintings exhibition had been held on the topic of environment protection. Pupils of 144 public school exhibited their paintings.

10 May 2017

Kazbegi National Park’s Administration and Visitor Center's Construction has been started

Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia Gigla Agulashvili together with Chairman of the Agency of Protected Areas Davit Markozashvili laid the foundation for the construction of Kazbegi National Park administration and Visitors’ Center.

27 April 2017

Agency of Protected Areas takes part in international tourism fair

Agency of Protected Areas takes part in 19th International Tourist Exhebition that will be opened on 27th of April at Expo Georgia and will be continued till 29th of April.

25 April 2017

Book presentation Explore Algeti National Park

Book presentation Explore Algeti National Park had been held at Algeti National Park, dedicated to Book International Day. Event had attended by Deputy Chairman of the Agency of Protected Areas Giorgi Chkheidze, head of Planning and Developing Unit Nata Sultanishvili and director of Algeti National Park Avtandil Mchedlidze. Schoolchildren who took part in book creation process were awarded with certificates. The event had been attended by the painter Zaal Sulakauri, who had been invited as a special guest due to children’s request. He created caricature paintings on place.

11 April 2017

Chamois has been appeared at the territory of Lagodekhi Protected Areas

In the first time of history, chamois has appeared at the territory of  Lagodekhi Protected Areas.