Iazoni Cave Natural Monument

Sightseen:  From the caves of the river. Tskaltsitela located in the southern part of the valley. Lower Cretaceous limestone generated by the small size of stalactites, stalagmites and stalagnats distinctive arch-shaped entrance, 40 meters length that is located at the Southern part of Tskaltsitela valley.

The last part of the ceiling is 0.5 m decreases. Silty bottom of the cave chamonashlitaa blocked. After passing 10 meters, cave’s width reducing till 2.5 meters, at the last part, celling decreases till 0,5 meters. Cave is blocked with silty mucking. The cave is inhabited with many animals. Collected animal bones and flint tools there proves that the cave presents Paleolithic human dwelling.

Sightseen: location: Kutaisi, Tskaltsitela Canyon’s extreme South part, nearby village Godogni bridge, right bank, 135 meters above sea level.

Coordinates: N42 16.038 E42 43.803

Access Road: Kutaisi is big settled territory nearby natural monument. Kutaisi is far from Tbilisi with 230 km. Duration – 3 hours, Kutaisi – Iazoni Cave Natural Monument – 6.2 km, duration – 20 minutes.

Guesthouses: The most optimal option for overnight is staying at Kutaisi.

Contact Information: Imereti Caves Protected Areas Administration

Tel: 577 10 18 06
E-mail:  info@apa.gov.gezkvantaliani@apa.gov.ge